
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

catch up

tobi fairley designed1house beautiful

i’ve got a lot of blog reading to catch up on.  i haven’t read any blog posts since saturday.  i’m going through serious withdrawals.Microsoft Word - XMPInstructions.doc

 house beautiful

hopefully i’ll get a chance to read through all of my favorites later today.  it’s going to take me a while to catch up since i’ve got so many daily reads.  it seems like every time i hop on the computer i find another great new blog.  although that really excites me it’s hard to find enough time in the day to read all of them.

i also have two brand new magazine issues laying on my coffee table that i need to read…house beautiful and elle decor.  the images in this post are from those issues.

2010-Interior-Decorating-Ideas-Lofts-01b elle decor

have you guys read any good posts lately?  let me know if there are any really good ones that i’ve missed out on that i should definitely go back to read.

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