
Thursday, December 3, 2009


1.  this awesome invisible wall switch from forbes & lomax.  i really think it’s every designer’s dream to have these in every home where there’s wallpaper.

Picture 60220 wall switch

2.  these couple of posts from discover: interior design giving lots of great tips about how to hang artwork.  for the person that has no clue…these are must reads.

discover interior design bannerclick here for tips: hanging artwork, part I                                                 

click here for tips: hanging artwork, part II

3.  these jules accent tables from crate and barrel.  so simple and classy.

accent tables4.  artwork hung gallery style like the picture below from traditional home. img_bathedinwhite_ssl24

5.  this gorgeous wall stencil that lauren from pure style home used on her wall.  it is not just gorgeous…it’s drop dead gorgeous.  bless her husband’s little heart for having to stencil that big wall.  click here to read her beautiful blog and to see the transformation of her living room and entry.  what a talented lady she is!

wall stencil 028 wall stencil 033

last week when my mom went back home after visiting with us on thanksgiving.  she forgot to take her cold with her.  and since she left it with me, it’s decided it wants to stick around a little while.  i can’t believe i’ve been sick 2 times within one month!  i rarely get sick so this is really unusual for me.  i’m looking forward to the weekend and really hope my cold clears up by tomorrow because billy and i have plans to go to the stacks holiday lofts + artists tour on friday night.  then saturday we are supposed to have dinner with our neighbors.  so cold if you’re listening it’s time to pack it up and head out of town. 

hope you all have a wonderful weekend!   looks like atlanta might get some snow on saturday.  whoohoo!


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