
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

kid’s rooms

back from dc.  had a blast with all of my girls.  we did lots of sight seeing and shopping and my legs still haven’t recovered yet.  we had so much fun though. 

now it’s back to work.  i’m working on a kid’s room and playroom right now.  the little boy is 7 but he’ll more than likely be in the space until he is 12 or 13.  the space needs to be something that he can enjoy right now but also grow into as he gets older.  my client has already purchased a new rustic bunk bed for their son and bedding that they love.  the bedding and bed will be the only things staying in the bedroom area. 

i’ve been looking at some photos of kids’ room to get inspiration.  these are some of my favorites that i’ve come across. 

i adore the map wallpaper/mural in this child’s room.  such a creative touch.


image – joyce kerry interiors

very clever bunk bed design

what a neat loft! i had one in my house as a teenager.  i loved hanging out in it. 

sophisticated boy’s room

rustic boy’s room


image –


image – domino

twin beds are a great alternative to bunk beds.

image – domino

stay tuned to see before and after’s of the room once it’s complete.  hopefully it will be done really soon.


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